Projects showcase


B2C webshop in five countries

Made by LAIT ApS
Project shots
Front page
Product page
Mobile view
Backend shots
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About the project

In an evolving industry such as jewelry, new brands and items emerge every day. With this, the need for a flexible and scalable platform was clear when it came to upgrading the website of A-Hjort. For product management, a Struct PIM system is used, with Rackbeat as an integrated Inventory Management System. This ensures the ability to manage both product line, inventory, procurement, and prices. 

The frontend is built as a single-page application in a Jamstack setup. This gives A-Hjort the ability to scale the site’s capabilities during peak seasons such as Black Friday and the holidays, while ensuring stability.

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LAIT [light] is a digital agency. We design, code and operate your websites and e-commerce platforms.
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